Monday 26 September 2016

Death et al

Many a times, we have wished a pain in our rear ends to be dead. Sometimes, as is said in our native languages, we do ask someone to die figuratively.

For many awaiting death row, this is the closure of their lives; the sentence's full stop.

Euthanasia is another area which is debated high and low and i do stand for it wherein the person should be let go.
People die of old age, and sometimes for the infirm we do wish them to attain release form their bodies when they are helpless.

The reason i am back to this page after more than a year, is my cousin.

A beautiful lass in her teens is suffering from Wilson's disease. She lives a little far away from where i stay and i hadn't met her in years.The other day we received news of her health deteriorating and went down to see her.

When you see a otherwise normal and healthy person bed ridden with their body gone stiff nothing pierces more than that and when they can see you feel your presence and try to give out the smile they haven't smiled in years just for you, you are just rooted.

I felt guilt tripped, sad; sad when she craned her eyes towards me and smiled, it isn't a graceful smile you will expect of a lass but the beauty and joy in that smile no one has ever put in that much of it all at once to smile at me, i was blessed.

Why did i speak of death at the initial part of it? For somewhere in me i wish her gone. The manner she is living now, bound to her bed, dependant. This thought when comes to me, sends a shiver down my spine, i remain in limbo...