Saturday, 8 June 2013

Political righteousness and the times we live in

These are the days of fans, of cheerleaders, of groupies; move aside sportspersons and rock stars for ‘politician’ is the ‘in’ thing. This age of social media has opened a new vista for the citizenry as all can now focus on the microcosm of their own small world where an unlimited data plan and uninterrupted power would surely win elections. Add to that bandwagon the promise of a steady employment option and some more tit bits and the ‘leader’ becomes ‘GOD’.

The troubles start brewing when he ‘leader’ is obstructed by an ‘oldie’, a guy with a generation gap, all because the ‘leader’ now wishes to relinquish his 2IC position and he the CO must step aside. My darling this 2IC has is reasons too, he has the popularity. But then the ‘eeevil’ CO thinks as why he should step away from a post which came to him after years of toil and labour.

Hell, but what will the groupie do? Chant the names, invoke powers unseen and follow; let go of inhibitions, ignore ‘his’ faults for ‘he’ too is human and take up arms on the ones who dare put up a challenge.

This is the situation right now as I see in politics; take some example in Congress, in BJP and the power corridors of Assam and the storyline is basically the same.

However, my problem with these so called leaders is their self anointed sense of propriety, of honesty and righteousness to such extent that the follies of their own or ones in their field of influence is conveniently ignored and efficiently let go.

The other aspect of the story is the admirers, for they are so blind to the flaws of he ‘leader’ that I am appalled to see some weird explanations just to hold the point. And I shudder when these admirers turn up to be highly educated persons, persons with their own field of expertise and an incredible potential to influence those with lesser faculties than them.

Luckily though I have been able to keep myself away from this mess and call me a psychopath but these politicians getting a beating literally cheers me up regardless of which camp the bloke belongs to.

I need a breath of fresh air for these people won’t forego their power to allegedly serve the people for it’s the power for which they stopped earning their own bread in the first place.

For the leader treads and unwalked path, following orders are just for a minion

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