Saturday, 13 April 2013

Of politicos and being one

Politicos are meant to conjure pink elephants out of thin air, but with the amount of skeptics in the environs these days even a tad shade than white is dipped in indigo.

So, for my politico/ aspiring politico I hereby proceed to help you frame your pink in red to make it look white! (I have absolutely no idea what’s that supposed to mean)

The basic primer is to have a confident face and never stating the obvious. It always pays to make your audience feel special, your gesture will be appreciated and you will considered more than intelligent and “made for” the post you seek.

You wish to take credit for something you have not done exclusively?? (eg. Autonomous body is working in your area).  In first look you got almost no say in their activity. Now, in their events, drop by at times randomly, feature in their photographs. Homework done? Its brag time now. Say out aloud “we have collaborated with so & so to this and that” no one can counter your claim and well other benefits always remain.

They say money speaks for itself; you want to be a herald for it? Here it goes: Every activity needs finance, in cases of mixed funding, where money comes from multiple sources, you can blurt out a lot without actually shaking up the balance sheets. In an event, usually there is a chance that money will get stuck and will be delivered late, your moment of glory has arrived. Drop in your wallet and brag “see, we want the welfare/success/completion of so & so and hence without batting an eyelid I’ve chipped in in my own humble way. Note: If you care for your monies, make sure that the stuck fund reaches you when unstuck or else you stand to lose a lot.

Once in a while do a KALAM, break protocol for your audience, hug them, mingle in; being a people’s leader pays a lot. Note: Mr. Kalam was never into this act for publicity. Please plan your act only with your security staff to shock even your secretary and save your “you-know-what”

Since the enemy of friend is your enemy, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t praise them, in all that bed of thorns you put up drop in some roses, acts as an effective repellent. Please see that the roses are far fetched though…

Homework: Keep a database of lies escaping out of your lips and never ever repeat them. Why this advice you ask? There is a huge possibility the lie you said has been realized.
Last but not the least, do some real work too and it is a basic need. If dormancy is your skill y neither doing the right nor doing the wrong you, my friend, are doomed. Rather do the work; if gone awry, apologize and make right and if fortune favors you to get the right equation, the brag’s all yours.

Let me know your plans…

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